26 April 2012

Virus Recordings Presents: Optiv & BTK - Dirty Tricks LP

Something big, mean and dirty has been brewing in the Virus camp! Label bosses and future-funk masterminds Ed Rush and Optical are about to take the chains off a beast of an album that has been leaving teeth marks on dancefloors across the globe. Prepare yourselves for .::. Optiv & BTK - Dirty Tricks .::.
It's not every year that I get really, really ... really excited about a drum n bass album. It's even a less frequent occurrence that such an album is released within a few months after I hear first about it. This year, one of my favorite producer duo's is dropping a full LP, almost out of nowhere, on one of my favorite labels of all time.

Dirty Tricks, the 7th full length on Virus Recordings, comes from production team Optiv and BTK. These two guys have been churning out an astounding number of absolutely classy tunes for some time now, which is no doubt a result of brilliant studio collaboration methods, and a natural technical compliment to one another.    

With the success of the duo's singles on Virus like Backlash / Lurker and Kingpin / Gateway in 2011, and huge Cause 4 Concern (one of Optiv's other 'little' projects) releases dating back to 2001, there was little doubt that Optiv would eventually be involved in an album project for the label, and it makes perfect sense that it would be with BTK. What can I say, these guys just are just spot-on when it comes to the Virus sound! 

The fact that the album is getting a release so soon after it was announced can only be a welcomed surprise to dnb heads like myself, who are quite used to waiting months or even years for some tunes to see the light of day! Not that that's always a bad thing, but it has been overdone a bit too many times in the world of drum n bass.

By the way, and don't quote me, but I believe the album is set to drop in early/mid June 2012.

OK, enough talking, at least until I hear any more news on the album! If you haven't already, check out this visually explosive promo video for the album! Keep an eye on this post for news and updates regarding the album, and be sure to check the links below for the Virus krew!!

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